Turning 21 in the 21st Century

Yes, the SA Publication Forum is officially coming of age. So much changed since it started in 2002 – then we used cellphones like the Nokia 3510, Sony Ericsson P800, Samsung SPH-i500 and the first iPhone was still only a concept in Steve Job’s mind. Yes, that long ago.

Since our inception, technology exploded, each new advancement seemed to eclipse the previous. However, the way we communicate, especially in business, is probably the largest innovation made to date. Looking in archives at entries into the Corporate Publication Competition, it is surprising to see we only had printed publications in 2002. Look at the line-up in the Results of 2022 and see how this balance has tipped to electronic publications.

The purpose of the SA Publication Forum is to offer a community of practice, a benchmarking platform, and a forum where the best of the best in South African Corporate Publications can be recognised and celebrated. 

Founded in 2002, the SA Publication Forum’s Corporate Publication Competition has become an important yardstick for corporate publications, business communication, and publishers alike. To celebrate our coming of age, we are introducing exciting, brand-new categories. But more about that later.

The competition has grown in stature over the years and has drawn entries from a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, education, lifestyle, and many others. 

The competition provides a platform for organisations to showcase their creative talents and innovative ideas through their publications – whether printed or electronic. SAPF also evolves to remain relevant as the landscape of publications changes. To offer more scope and inclusivity to the entrants, a new category was added, and some others will be merged. 

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can keep our celebrated entrants from their dedication to quality publication. And neither will load shedding, winter colds, political shenanigans, yet another exposé, and other reality checks keep the SAPF from its service to the industry. 

21 years later and  [we’re STILL on your PAGE]