Not only judging a book by its cover

2023 Competition is in full swing.

Why enter? Because we don’t only judge the book by its cover.

The SA Publication Forum is the benchmarking vehicle in corporate communication in South Africa. For the past 21 years we annually we receive an estimate of 150 cross-industry entrants. See how close your corporate communication is to hitting its mark.

Our judges are specialists in their fields and take time to objectively review entries with the sole purpose of adding value and highlighting excellence. Our new feedback format is a brag book for all that had the courage to have their work scrutinised and a testament to their excellence.

We seek to further continuous improvement across all elements of corporate publication – design, writing, communication, digitisation etc. How have you improved and leap-frogged the past year?

But we do also judge the cover…for impact, design, audience suitability and aesthetics. Featured in our image here is last year’s winner: Mindspace (Old Mutual Corporate) entered by John Brown Media

Don’t forget to enter before 31 July 2023.

You can enter here: